Thursday, 28 August 2014
The Devil's Own Handiwork
"I have experienced much hardship and been forced to view death on many occasions. I was therefore, not bothered by the corpse flies. Thankfully, the all-pervasive aroma of spice somewhat mitigated that of decay and corruption. All the same, I entered the room with my handkerchief at the ready. The man was frozen at the point of death upon the bed. There was much blood, all congealed and writhing with maggots. I could make out little else with the curtains shut and so I drew them open. When I turned I could hardly bear to view the putrefaction. He had died in an attitude of abject terror. His eyes were almost entirely eaten away and his mouth showed a grimace so horrific and his posture that of a supplicant forced to bend to another’s evil will, that I thought I looked upon the Devil’s own handiwork." Extract from The Surety, the second book in the Kitty Ives series. Kitty, an 18th century Covent Garden prostitute is forced to solve the murder or swing from the gallows.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
At her toilette
Jupe relevée" by François Boucher, 1760 - and the dog is doing what
dogs do. 18th century women did not wear knickers. In fact there was no underwear as
we know it until around the 1920s, when skirts started getting shorter.
Even in the prim and proper Victorian days, women had bloomers that were
open at the crotch.
63,000 prostitutes
number of prostitutes in London during the 18th century could have been
as high as 63,000 at any given time. In this picture we can see the
link boy, who was a street urchin with a burning torch who would light
the way - but who would also aid a harlot in her business by robbing the
gentleman or enticing him into a dangerous location
Peristaltic Persuaders
Um... constipation anyone? An 18th century remedy:
To Make Forty Peristaltic Persuaders
Turkey rhubarb, finely pulverized, two drachms
Syrup, by weight, one drachm
Oil of caraway, ten drops (minims.)
Make into pills, each of which will contain three grains of rhubarb.
Two or three to be taken according to the constitution.
To Make Forty Peristaltic Persuaders
Turkey rhubarb, finely pulverized, two drachms
Syrup, by weight, one drachm
Oil of caraway, ten drops (minims.)
Make into pills, each of which will contain three grains of rhubarb.
Two or three to be taken according to the constitution.
Kitty's brothel now
took this just before Christmas. It's of the exact building where Kitty
Ives lived and worked as a prostitute in Covent Garden. Well, not the exact building because that burned
down but this is a replacement in the style of the old building.
Research has shown that this building was occupied in 1769 by, on the
ground floor, John Bradley - gin distiller and shop, and a brothel
upstairs. Next door on the Little Piazza was Lovejoy's bagnio, a
portrait painter, and the Hummums Turkish Bath. In the corner was the
Bedford Arms pub. After that came the privy passage which was gated
through to Charles Street beyond. The London Transport Museum occupies
the site now.
Hogarth's Covent Garden
our old Friend Hogarth has given us a view of Covent Garden and the
Church, St Paul's. See the big building in the background to the right
as you look at the pic? That's still there.
criminal world in the 18th century had a language all it's own known as
'cant'. These were slang terms. Whilst they covered everything you can
imagine, these are just a few of the terms used in the sex industry for
Madams, pimps and prostitutes:
Madams were known as:
buttock brokers, Abbess, Aunt, Mother
Pimps were known as:
Beard Splitters, bulls, cockbawd
Prostitutes were known as:
covent garden nuns, drabs, doxies, casevrow, crackish, fens, bats, blowers… and my favourite quicunque vault.
Madams were known as:
buttock brokers, Abbess, Aunt, Mother
Pimps were known as:
Beard Splitters, bulls, cockbawd
Prostitutes were known as:
covent garden nuns, drabs, doxies, casevrow, crackish, fens, bats, blowers… and my favourite quicunque vault.
Lucy Locket
The 18th century rhyme: Lucy
Locket lost her pocket. Kitty Fisher found it. There was not a penny in
it, only ribbon round it - refers to a 'pocket', which has two meanings -
it was the purse which had a drawstring top and was tied around a
woman's leg, into which she placed her money, but it was also a
euphemism for her private parts.
Lead based face powder - a recipe
a great recipe for lead-based powder. In the 18th century it was considered highly
fashionable to whiten your face, and have sparkling eyes, made so by
belladonna drops.
Recipe for Lead Powder
Several Thin Plates of Lead
A Big Pot of Vinegar
A Bed of Horse Manure
Perfume and tinting agent
Steep the lead in the pot of vinegar, and rest it in a bed of manure for at least three weeks. When the lead finally softens to the point where it can pounded into a flaky white powder (chemical reaction between vinegar and lead causes lead to turn white), grind to a fine powder. Mix with water, and let dry in the sun. After the powder is dry, mix with the appropriate amount of perfume and tinting dye.
Recipe for Lead Powder
Several Thin Plates of Lead
A Big Pot of Vinegar
A Bed of Horse Manure
Perfume and tinting agent
Steep the lead in the pot of vinegar, and rest it in a bed of manure for at least three weeks. When the lead finally softens to the point where it can pounded into a flaky white powder (chemical reaction between vinegar and lead causes lead to turn white), grind to a fine powder. Mix with water, and let dry in the sun. After the powder is dry, mix with the appropriate amount of perfume and tinting dye.
Covent Garden stalls
In the 18th century
Covent Garden stalls were often no more than baskets of vegetables. There
would not have been any tables or stalls as we know them today.
The most exciting city
the mid 18th century London was the biggest, most exciting city in the
world. But it was also the dirtiest, most foul and unkempt city. Houses
were often ramshackle. Raw sewage ran in the streets. Crime was endemic.
September 1752, Great Britain changed from the Julian Calendar to the
Gregorian Calendar. 11 days were omitted from the calendar. The day
after 2 September 1752 became 14 September 1752.
The first day of the year also changed. Prior to 1752 in England, the year began on 25 March (Lady Day).
The first year was short - it ran only from 25 March to 31 December.
The first day of the year also changed. Prior to 1752 in England, the year began on 25 March (Lady Day).
The first year was short - it ran only from 25 March to 31 December.
In The Finish I refer on occasion to a 'macaroni' - far from being a meal, a 'macaroni' was an 18th century term for a foppish and highly fashionable young man.
The Magdalen Hospital for Penitent Prostitutes

The Magdalen Hospital for Penitent Prostitutes was founded in 1758 to give 'guidance to the fallen'. I was a place of respite based on silence, isolation and hard work. The18th century rich would flock to the Chapel to listen to the popular preacher William Dodd sermonise, and to observe the penitent prostitutes. In 1777 William Dodd was executed for forgery and the Magdalen Hospital fell out of favour, although something akin to it continued, in name only, until the 1950s.
Saturday, 16 August 2014
The Finish - what's it all about
The Finish is my new novel featuring Kitty Ives, an 18th century prostitute, who plies her trade in Covent Garden. When a man is found dead in her bed she fears she may swing from the gallows. So begins Kitty's quest to uncover the identity of the murderer.
We are in Covent Garden in 1769. It seethes with all manner of life. It smells. It is dirty and beautiful at one and the same time. It is home to the whores and harridans, aristocrats and artisans, actors and a drunks alike.
We are in Covent Garden in 1769. It seethes with all manner of life. It smells. It is dirty and beautiful at one and the same time. It is home to the whores and harridans, aristocrats and artisans, actors and a drunks alike.
Bread and Cheese
Seems innocent enough, save that he is paying her for more than just bread and cheese! By John Collet, 1777
Covent Garden
Here we have Covent Garden around the time of our story about Kitty Ives, an 18th century prostitute. The Little Piazza is the covered walkway and buildings at bottom right. The house in question is the one on the corner of the Little Piazza and Russell Street, to the middle of the right hand side of the square.
Playing footsie
The Finish is an episodic story set in the 18th century - insofar as I am sent it out to beta readers in sections, as I wrote it. This means something happens in each episode, which builds to the overall story. It's been exciting to write like this.
Picture by James Gillroy
Casanova blows up a condom while prostitutes look on. Condoms have been around for centuries. They were usually made from animal intestines and called (in the 18th century) cundums. They weren't so much to avoid pregnancy as to guard against disease
As many as one in five young women in London were prostitutes in the 18th century. This picture is called Connoisseurs by Thomas Rowlandson
The scene of the Crime
Covent Garden.
The Finish is my new novel set in 18th century Covent Garden. It tells the story of Kitty Ives, a prostitute, who is forced to solve a murder when she wakes to find a dead man in her bed. If she should fail she will swing from the gallows.
This is is almost the exact view Kitty has from the brothel where she lives on the corner of the Little Piazza and Russell Street
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